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Zoho Social

The easiest way to manage your brand on social media is with Zoho Social

Schedule unlimited posts, keep an eye on what matters, and create custom reports to analyze your social media performance with Zoho Social.

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Flexible time-saving with Zoho Social

Align your posting schedule with the times when your target audience is most active. Choose from suggested optimal times or create your own posting schedule.

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Long-awaited content

Create a content pipeline with an easy-to-use publishing calendar that helps you organize your posts the way you want. Distribute your posts at the right times, ensuring your target audience stays engaged. With Zoho Social, you can check if your target group remains interested in your posts.


Customizable audit dashboard, place anywhere

Multiple listening columns help you stay updated with news all the time. Respond in real-time and engage with your target audience as often as you need.

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Best-in-class social media analysis

Understand your target audience’s identity and their engagement with your social media. Choose from existing reports or create new ones from scratch, tailored to your meaningful statistics with Zoho Social.

Boost sales and improve customer relationships